The group’s prized photographer, Danny is managing another branch, now moved to Mahkota Cheras. My Wedding House has since attract couples who admire Danny’s amazing skill, MUA Peggy’s expertise, and the SA’s (Wedding Acronym) helpfulness. You can freely pick all the gowns available in the bridal shop for your pre-wedding shoot, no segregation of VVIP or that sort. Feedback about this BS has been very positive and I believe good customer service goes a long way.
Peng Soon & May May’s Pre-wedding slideshow
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Comments About My Wedding House Cheras
chloebluez @ Sep 2010 says:
“Dear all brides and brides to be.. i have just sign up a TOMs package at Cheras branch (opposite Leisure Mall) one.. i actually visit some BS before i decide to sign up with TOM.. Actually i only sign up the package on the 3rd visit. 1st time i went there to survey the price and package; den i shortlisted a few BS went with my hubby for 2nd time; den on the 3rd time only i went there to sign up the package. the whole Cheras branch is actually handle by PG Danny & MUA Peggy so i manage to get them both as my PG & MUA without extra charges Peggy & Danny were both very helpful and friendly which make me and my hubby feel so comfortable until he agree to sign up with them LOL.. i really looking forward for the trying gown session as at Cheras branch there will not be divided to VIP, VVIP, SVIP or designer.. which means to say i can choose any gowns hanging there without extra charges HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~~~~ anyway, overall the package is quite worth although it is not sign during the MV Fair actually wat really attract us in TOM is the private outdoor they have which is so convenient for us and avoid ourselves from going far far away to get nice outdoor picture. therefore, it is recommended for couple to dun wan rushing around on the shooting day especially for those who are easy sweat. “
“i guess u all must have some misunderstanding. it is totally depends on which TOM’s branch you went to. because i’ve done the research for all the loke yew BS & d cheras TOM. what happened is this. Loke yew branch is more to quantity where 1 day they will shoot 2-3 couples per session but cheaper and you get more stuffs; Cheras TOM is more exclusive where they only shoot 1 couple per day but more expensive and you get less things. However, Cheras TOM would not divide their gown into those VVIP, SVIP or designer gown. As for appoint Danny as PG, ppl who sign up at loke yew branch will need to specially appoint Danny as PG and it depends on his schedule to serve; while those who sign up at Cheras TOM, Danny will automatically be your PG & Peggy as your MUA. this is because Danny and Peggy are the only persons in charge in Cheras branch, therefore, anything they promise you would definately delivered. As for the SA who at Loke Yew branch and promise you alot of things, tis might not be delivered at the end of the day due to diff schedule and understanding. that is the reason why i sign up at Cheras TOM but not Loke Yew HQ. Personally, i’ve seen their shooting session coincidently, i can assure that they only shoot 1 couple per day. Danny also mentioned to me that they only shoot 15 couple per month due to their privilege service, i believe him because as a famous PG as him, every word come out from his mouth worth. Especially if he is the one who told me he will be my PG and that is the reason why i am so satisfied with my package.”
My Wedding House (Cheras)
Add: No. 13-2 Jalan Mahkota Residence 2, Bandar Mahkota Cheras, 43200 Cheras, Selangor
Tel: DANNY: 012-6551668
PEGGY: 017-2991668
FB page:
Tue – Sat: 11:00 am – 8:00 pm
Sun: 11:00 am – 6:00 pm